Stop overlooking deep fear & anxiety
Quite often, people are quick to dismiss fear & anxiety, thinking that there must be a more complicated or deeper reason for why they suffer.
Sure, there might be other factors involved, however long standing fear & anxiety have a subtle yet insidious & disastrous way of affecting all kinds of functions of the body, including: digestive & bowel function, headaches & migraines, sleeplessness & insomnia, weight gain, muscle tension & pain … etc.
And if these symptoms go on for long periods of time, while disregarding their cause, they can and will develop into other more serious bodily expressions.
It’s so vital to explore your relationship with fear & anxiety, to see all the places they reside within your life & the possible effects they have.
By not doing this, & being disconnected from them in certain areas of your life, you can expect to experience negative affects that you’re unaware of.
Often times fear & anxiety show up in certain categories of your life and not in others. For instance: Career & Money, Craft (occupation), Intimate relationships & Family, Health & Body.
Despite what you might think, everyone has fear & anxiety; it just might be more difficult to spot for people in certain areas of their lives.
For those that feel they need help in seeing these areas, or if you're dealing with unwanted effects because of them, DM me with questions and a little about what’s going on with you.