Who betrayed whom?
Over the years I’ve heard people mentioning how their bodies have betrayed them for one reason or another.
For some, it’s chronic back pain, stomach issues, weight gain, cancer, the list goes on, but they’ve all felt betrayed.
And although I can understand most of their feelings, I’ve often felt that it’s not our bodies that have betrayed us, but that maybe we’ve betrayed our bodies by not listening carefully to their needs, wants, and desires.
Our bodies are not separate from us, so to say that they betrayed us would imply a separation and a disconnection.
If our body is in pain or dealing with some kind of health issue, the appropriate pronoun would be WE are in pain, not IT.
Although we might not have all the answers for why a certain health issue or ailment is happening, it does not mean we should be blaming our bodies. Instead it would be wiser to consider what we might not be paying attention to.
But I get it, it’s a lot easier to simply blame our body for its betrayal, than to be in the unknown about why it’s happening or how we’ve contributed to it.
We need to take a deeper look at how we’ve abandoned our body’s needs and desires, and at the correlation with its symptomatology.
How would you feel if someone you loved constantly felt betrayed by you? Not good. And over time, if this resentment isn’t accounted for, you can probably expect that relationship to deteriorate. Well, the same thing happens with our bodies.
If the body is a communication center, which it is, then it behooves us to listen more carefully to its needs and desires.
This must be the case now more than ever, for us to ensure better health for ourselves and our families. We must learn to connect more deeply with our bodies and listen for their communications… or simply continue to suffer the consequences.