Accountability vs. Responsibility

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Don’t confuse the two.

Read on for a few examples to illustrate the difference.

⚡️Example 1: I’m accountable for my clients feelings in the work we do together, but I’m not responsible for them.

They need to be responsible for the feelings they are having in our sessions. I simply need to be accountable for the work I do, and how it causes people to have all kinds of emotional reactions.

I also can’t be victimized or shocked by people’s reactions to something about me or the work we’re doing.

⚡️Example 2: I’m responsible for the fun I have. No one else is responsible for my good time.

If I go to a party, I’m responsible for what kind of time I have, the party isn’t responsible for that.

Sure, the host of that party might want to help make it a good time for me & other guests, but they aren’t responsible for it, they are just accountable for it and looking to be a good host.

⚡️Example 3: Within my work, I’m not responsible for people changing or healing anything, they are the ones who need to take full responsibility for that.

Of course, I’m looking to do everything I can for them to heal, change and transform their health and lives, but ultimately, neither I, or anyone else for that matter, can do that work for someone; only they can decide to allow the healing and changes to be made in their lives.

I hope this clarifies things for you a bit better and the examples help. Let me know if you have any questions about this.

Stay tuned to hear the difference between Burden vs. Responsibility.


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