The road less traveled

For those of you who seek to take full responsibility for their lives, you’re on the road less traveled.

Most people prefer to not want to take responsibility in some way. They prefer to see themselves as being victimized by someone or something.

It’s not that they haven’t been a victim to something or someone’s wrong doing in their past. It’s that they just don’t choose to move on from this position.

People who avoid the road less traveled also avoid all the people that would cause them to have to confront these issues they refuse to look at.

Instead, they seek out those who enable, perpetuate & contribute to this victimized mentality.

This includes the people they date and marry, the friends they keep, & even the practitioners they seek out for help.

Some practitioners enable these dysfunctional habits, because they have the same issues.

If you’d like to break the habit of not taking full responsibility for your life, you must fight for it.

You can start by taking a look at where you’ve been an actual victim in your past, versus where you’re acting like one in your present, even though you’re not one.

Typically, a big reason why people act like perpetual victims in their present life even though they’re not one, is that they refuse to look at where they’ve been one in their past, because they have too much fear and shame about it.

We must look at our issues square in the face. The moment we do that, things begin to transform. Besides, what’s the alternative in not doing this? … a life spent victimized, avoiding & blaming. That’s hardly a life worth living.




What’s an adjustment