Post Kovid World
K@vid and the associated shut down turned out to be good for many things that it did not intend.
It illuminated how much our media is not about dispensing the truth, but rather marketing a narrative that benefits the bottom line for those in power.
It illuminated how much fear we have, our willingness to abandon ourselves and to be led, even if it’s by those who have obvious hidden agendas they’re pursuing.
It illuminated the massive business of big (f)harma with their va₵₵Ines & the possibilies that they may not actually prevent anything and can cause harm.
Yes, I’m a va₵₵ine hesitant person, but I was always that way, long before k@vid hit. I’m more of a truth-skeptic in this area of health and healing.
I’ve been taught well how to reveal the truth of things and distinguish it out from the noise. And man, was there a lot of noise during that time period.
Now more than ever, we’re all looking to find our way in this post k@vid world, with new upheaval being revealed on a daily basis.
Knowing how to distinguish the “noise” from the truth is a skill we must all learn to cultivate and develop.
One way is to not listen to the voices (or noise) in our heads. As if it’s true. Another is to not listen to the noise coming out of other’s mouths.
The truth doesn’t need to be loud, but it can be.
The truth settles the energy in a room. It cuts through the noise.
It typically resonates with everyone who hears it.
It’s typically simple in its message with few words.
It may be painful to hear at times, however it heals us at the deepest level, nonetheless.
It’s what we deeply need and yearn for, even though we’re terrified to hear it.
As it’s been said, “the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
Sending you well wishes in finding your way through your personal noise and that of the world.