The Power of An Adjustment
I’ve never underestimated the power of an adjustment to change the trajectory of my health and life.
I’ve personally relied on receiving and providing all kinds of adjustments as a major fixture in my life.
An adjustment is any applied force (physical or verbal), that causes a shift in our mental, emotional, energetic or physical alignment.
Adjustments can instantly change the way we think, see things, and feel, and therefore change the actions and paths we take. They can adjust misaligned thoughts, behaviors, perspectives, emotional issues or conflicts.
Starting in high school, I began receiving physical spinal adjustments from a Chiropractor. This was so powerful for me that I intuitively knew how healthy they were; it was then that I realized I wanted to do that for a living.
When I was around 29, and going through a heep of upheaval in my life, I fell upon a teacher, and began receiving verbal adjustments and a different physical kind through a form of “massage.” This coaching combination has paved the way for how I practice to this day.
It was at that time, that I saw how vital it was to receive and provide such an invaluable skill to help shape my life and the lives of others.
I have always relied on the help of highly trained people in my life to locate areas within myself where continual adjustments of various kinds were vital to my continued health & creative growth.
Having those people in our lives helps us see things that we cannot always see for ourselves. Despite what some might not like to think, we need others to be able to see ourselves. We need this feedback as a source of reflection and guidance.
Typically, we only become open and available to these kinds of “adjustments” when aspects of our lives aren’t going as well as we feel they could.
As we continue to find our way through this noisy world, it is absolutely vital to find practitioners and people of all kinds who can provide the kinds of adjustments necessary with which to build healthy, creative & “successful” lives.
Get adjusted.