We don’t get rid of trauma, we alchemize it.

Trauma is not something we should try to get rid of, but something we must learn to alchemize & turn into our greatest gift.

It’s quite common for people to want to erase or forget painful memories, experiences, and traumas of their past.

But what we soon find out, is that the harder we work to erase something from our psyche, the more securely the memory will stay in place.

Instead of seeking to rid ourselves of these types of memories, a better approach would be to shift our relationship with that same painful memory. In doing this, we can begin to transform all the fear & shame, and to alchemize it into love for ourselves.

Healing shame transforms into love.
Healing fear transforms into courage.

Despite what some might not like to think, buried deep within our greatest fear & shame, lies our greatest gifts.

If you’ve got the courage to unpack these fears & shame, you’ll soon uncover your greatest gifts have lay hidden there all along.


Have Faith


Keep the child alive