Seminars, ceremonies, workshops & trenches of life
When I was around 29, I found myself in a self-help seminar at the pestering of a friend. He professed it would bestow many benefits onto me.
He wasn’t totally wrong. As it turned out, soon after that seminar, I serendipitously met my first teacher, who helped shape the work that I do today.
Years later, even after seeing hundreds of clients throughout the years, I find it extremely vital to have someone in my life to help me navigate, integrate, interpret & process all the information, emotions, & experiences I’ve been through.
While I’ve always had mentors, teachers & coaches to help me with that kind of work, others either have not been as fortunate to find good people, or they haven’t wanted it yet.
It's vital to have key people who can help us navigate the trenches of our health & lives, whether it be through a workshop, ceremony, seminar or
other powerful experience.
When a person attends these types of events or simply experiences life circumstances, they must have in place people who can be with them in the trenches to share questions, concerns, thoughts, feelings & fears that are sure to arise.
Without those people established, the responsibility is placed
squarely on the shoulders of the person to do all of that work on their own.
It’s not that doing this kind of work alone is a problem, however it’s really beneficial for people to learn to develop a healthy dependency on others to help.
Having the ability to depend on others is a critical & often essential ability to cultivate in order to thrive & grow in health & in life.